Our Key Services

Web Design
We design professional-looking yet simple websites. All our designs are responsive and search engine and user friendly.
Graphic Design

Get a digital artwork that showcases a sense of professionalism. It can be a logo or branding, digital posters and banners, or something else.

Online Marketing

Embrace the internet to stand out from the crowd and grow your client base by utilising our digital marketing services.

Business Writing

We brain research, brainstorm, write, edit, and publish business writings communicating our clients’ visions.

Video Production
We create professional and engaging videos that convert your target audience into loyal clients.

Reasons for Choosing Us

We Lead from the Front

We are digital marketing agency in Kenya. Our team of seasoned experts is always ahead of the curve. We guarantee that you will deliver cutting-edge solutions that propel your business forward with our team. We prioritize efficiency in each project, which spans digital marketing, design, and video production. The Wenamax Digital team is constantly researching the market to ensure optimal results.

  • ­Expert guidance for building your start-up.

  • ­Save time, resources, and money!

  • ­Create endless business possibilities!

We have a solid track record of delivering exceptional results. We have earned the trust of many clients across various industries. Our success stories reflect our commitment to driving measurable outcomes and exceeding expectations.

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    Success In Numbers

    Happy Clients
    Projects Completed
    Tasks Completed

    Meet Our Happy Customers

    Exellent Service

    Your brand is how your customers see an your business. It’s shaped by the way you represent yourself – professiona, socially and visually. It’s what makes you unique.

    This is a Quick, Effective Team

    Agency transformed our website into a vital part of our sales, then tailored a seo campaign, which has doubled our traffic from a year ago.

    Amazing Service

    They really took on our project as it was their own and they pulled through to the finish line. We are very happy with the website.

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