Start Selling Online

An eCommerce website means your business can sell products conveniently in the comfort of consumers’ homes. A good ecommerce design often draws in customers and enables them to purchase products and/or services without a hitch. This shows your discipline and seriousness toward your work and creates customer confidence. Among many eCommerce designers in the Kenyan market, Wenamax Digital is one of the best. It has a team that will help you create outstanding eCommerce websites that will offer clients an excellent and seamless buying experience.

  • ­We create eCommerce sites that are easy to navigate and use.
  • ­We ensure customers can shop safely with secure payment methods.
  • ­Our eCommerce sites look great and function well on all devices.

An effective eCommerce website helps your business reach more customers in Kenya. Wenamax Digital is the best eCommerce developer in Kenya. We specialize in creating eCommerce sites that attract customers and boost sales. Let us help you build an online store that stands out and meets your business goals.

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    Our eCommerce Development Process

    Our comprehensive eCommerce development strategy ensures a perfectly crafted website for your business.


    This is done based on your objectives and your target market. We address the specific requirements and expectations for the eCommerce site. For this reason, we pioneer your competition to find out information. This assists in planning for a website that considers your brand and goals. Depending on the needs of the business, the type of website that should be developed will also be determined.


    We design a schedule showing the interface’s appearance. This ranges from the layouts, color(s), and typography. Besides, we pay attention to the design’s usability so that it can look attractive. We provide the design for your review and make any alterations if required.


    The design is transformed into a fully-fledged online store. This is about compilation and enhancing the gadget’s attributes, such as product showcases and safe payment methods. We include key featues that guarantees that the website is fast and responsive across ALL devices. There is no doubt that we must check it for the bugs and errors present and eliminate all of them.


    We create content for your eCommerce website. This includes product descriptions, images, and videos. It guarantees that it is easily understandable that the material is presented captivatingly and that search engine indexing is considered. This makes your website appear at a higher rank on the list than it deserves and, in return, brings in more visitors.


    We launch the eCommerce website and make it live for the public. We monitor the site to ensure everything works smoothly. We offer ongoing support and updates to keep the site fresh and secure.

    Features of eCommerce Website

    Focus on Product
    Product Details
    Product Filtering
    Shopping Cart
    Shopping Options
    Payment Systems