Simplify Complex Ideas with Engaging Explainer Videos!

Explainer videos are commonly used to present people with detailed information that can otherwise be very hard for your audience in Kenya to grasp. They convey your message, advertise your products or services, and capture viewers with engaging visual and storytelling appeal. Our clients at Wenamax Digital are provided with explainer videos to evoke action, educate, and entertain them.

Why Choose Promotional Videos?

Explainer videos are versatile and can be used across various platforms to.

  • ­Introduce new product or service.
  • ­Educate and inform.
  • ­Increase engagement.

Compelling explainer videos will make the desired impact and enable you to achieve the intended goals of your enterprise. Suppose you want to launch a new product, explain a complicated idea, or improve customer service. In that case, we meet your audience with well-crafted visuals that appeal to their logic and emotions.

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    Our Approach to Explainer Videos


    • Review your goals, your audience, and key messages.
    • Investigate the materials related to the topic to prepare correct and complete information.
    • Create a memorable, original idea and story outline that fits the tone and mission of your brand.


    • Develop a script that defines the look and feel of the video and plan a storyboarding of the video.
    • Create unique animations, illustrations, and characters that fit the stories well.
    • The text and other visual components should not only be legible but also as concise as possible to enhance comprehension and memorization.


    • Animation and filming are done by professional animators and cameramen with the help of standard and advanced software and equipment.
    • Voice-over recording and sound design to add more depth to the story and increase the intensity of emotions in the piece.
    • Repetitive feedback to make certain that every aspect matches the goal and vision that has to be achieved.


    • Finishing the video process and making the transition as smooth and completely integrated as possible.
    • Adding background music, using sounds and captions for accessibility and audience engagement.
    • The final stage of the process involves refinement or the feedback step, where corrections are made to attain a degree of excellence

    Final Video

    • We apply various techniques to ensure the videos are compatible with different platforms and devices to reach the highest number of viewers and generate high levels of engagement.
    • We useSEO optimization strategies and CTAs to increase traffic, conversions, and ROI.
    • The third and final level of video measurement is the ability to assess the effectiveness of past videos based on performance metrics and offer suggestions for improving future videos.

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