We Create Promotional Videos

Promotional videos are useful communication channels that assist in promoting products, services, or events to the targeted market in Kenya. They are adjustable promotional tools that can enlighten the viewers, communicate with them, and incite them. At Wenamax Digital, we aim to create attention-grabbing and persuasive promotional videos for your business.

Why Choose Promotional Videos?

Promotional videos are another effective way of promoting the respective products and services, as they can influence consumers’ decisions.

  • ­Design mobile app that directly connects your audience.
  • ­Beautiful and modern design that makes difference.
  • ­Boost your sales with strategically designed marketing materials.

Our promotional videos are memorable and fulfill the goals of your company. They are especially ideal when it is necessary to make a brief presentation of the product, a detailed presentation of all the buttons and options, or a summary of the event. We deliver the best quality videos that help you achieve your marketing strategies.

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    Our Video Production Process

    Our comprehensive video production strategy ensures a perfectly crafted website for your business.


    • We will determine what you seek to accomplish in your marketing, who your audience is, and what sets you apart from competitors or businesses (SWOT).
    • Next, strategies are established, and an effective method is adopted to achieve your objectives.
    • Create a good story that fits your brand and the needs of the audience it is targeting.


    • Organize pre-production matters, which include shooting locations, talents, and timetable.
    • Pre-production will involve scriptwriting and the development of storyboards to detail the structure and graphics of the video.
    • Ensure you acquire essential items used on the set, like props, equipment, and permits.


    • Shooting by professional camera operators and using modern equipment and effective shooting styles to get the best shots.
    • Casting and supervising the actors and performers to guarantee that they meet your expectations and deliver the level of performance needed for your script.
    • Accomplishing action sequences and integrating parts of filmmaking into action sequences to make the scenes more exciting.


    • Editing will consist of polishing the specific shots and scenes so that the overall product is pleasing to the eye and makes sense.
    • Now, add graphics, animation, and music to enhance the video’s intended message and to jog the listeners’ memory of the important points passed across.
    • In this step, it is necessary to finalize the drafts and feedback to achieve the goals and aims of the final video.

    Final Video

    • Changing the video format to one that will get the message across to as many people as possible at once.
    • The purposes of Traffic Generation, Conversion, and Actual Value Creation through SEO and CTAs.
    • Evaluating the impact of the various promotional advertisements and relaying this feedback that can help advance the subsequent campaign.

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